Breakup Method 1-- "Ignore them long enough, and they'll go away."
A time honored tradition, at least for me, was 'evasion.'. My habit was--find a guy. Develop a crush. Hang around long enough to provoke his interest. If interest continued for longer than a week, get cold feet. Run away.
I only practiced this a couple times in high school. Then I got to college, and pretty immediately my future husband was in line for the Treatment. Except I skipped the 'develop a crush part'--he was the one instantly smitten (I'm pretty sure he'd say that if I asked politely). I just felt obligated to say "yes" to a date, because my mom had always lectured me about "giving a guy a chance no matter how uninteresting he seems at first." (Snore.) After that first date (which was AMAZING for him, I'm sure, and according to me, not so much), I was feverishly ducking him--which is pretty tricky on a small college campus with only 700 students. How many corners did that campus possess? I believe about 6000, and I hid around every single one of them until FINALLY, after several months, the man wandered off in frustration and confusion.
Which of course meant I grew gradually interested in dating him again. Yes, I'm evil. And he was persistent We finally began to date in earnest (and in a few other places!) my second year on campus.
Breakup Method 2-- "I'm just not sure you're the one."
It's time for The Letter. (This is the Neolithic Age, when I had to put pen to paper and have my mail delivered by heliojet.) "Dear John--it's not you, it's me. I just think we perhaps aren't meant for each other...I need to pray over this...blah...blah...blah..." It was pathetic and ridiculous and not very nice. He replied with a polite but pained letter which said, basically, "OK."
Back to college in the fall--and guess what? The "other guy" is really unavailable, and this man is still there, still not angry at me, still sweet and understanding. AND he had all the same friends as I did. Will he take me back? You betcha! Sucka.
Breakup Method 3-- "You need to learn how to woo a woman."
I'm a ripe old age of 20 (maybe), and I know what a woman needs; what a woman wants. And she definitely wants a guy to spend every spare moment with her. Who cares if he has homework? Or works the late night shift at a factory? Or has to pay his school bills all on his own? Where's the ROMANCE?
"If you could just think about me more often...do little things for me...pick flowers along the roadside and lay them at my doorstep...say things to me that make my blood stir..." "Yes, dear." "Could you please sit up and look more awake?" "Yes, dear."
Methinks it's time to launch out and look for Mr. Darcy, don't you? "Maybe we just need to date other people."
"Whatever you say, dear..."
After a few weeks of fruitless meandering about looking for alternatives, I corner him.
"Mr. Darcy!" I cry. And he swallows it.
Method 4--"Wait! I didn't mean it!!"
To be honest, I don't know what precipitated the last breakup--it may have been the bad salami sandwich I had the night before. "Hey, I want to break up." "Sheesh....OK. Whatever.""
One day later..."I'm BAAACK!"
"Listen...I really like you and all, but maybe we should give this a week."
"NOOOO!" (I've seen that other girl hanging around...I know what will happen if I wait even ONE day!!)
Any sane man at this point would have turned tail and run. But apparently my bewitching personality and spontaneity was enough to convince this gentle but abused soul to actually end up MARRYING me in the end.
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Actual chart of our dating relationship |
So, there you have it. The moral of the story? Find a guy that you just can't shake. Not because he stalks you--big difference here!--but because you can't shake the conviction that he loves you enough to put up with you and your crazy ways. He'll have his own collection of eccentricities and foibles. But never forget that you, as a woman, are a strange and wonderful creature that will occasionally baffle the man in your life. He should be given credit for even trying to figure you out.
“Aravis also had many quarrels (and, I'm afraid even fights) with Cor, but they always made it up again: so that years later, when they were grown up they were so used to quarreling and making it up again that they got married so as to go on doing it more conveniently.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy
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