Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yes, I'm Gonna Try This


This blog is in response to several pressing pressures in my pressurized life. First pressure--my friend Wendi will not stop harassing me to "write something." Second pressure--I graduated with a useless degree in English, which qualifies me to do nothing except write the Great American Novel. Which this is the first chapter of. (Please ignore all grammar mistakes from here on out.) Third pressure--I spend much of my day sitting at my computer and looking over books and videos that I then list for sale on Amazon (for our family book-selling business) and the combination of random facts assailing me hourly and the need for a social life seems to need an outlet.  Sorry about that, but it's probably healthier than going out on the street and assailing random people with tidbits like "Did you KNOW that there is such a thing as 'Booty Ballet Yoga?' And that people actually buy DVDs like that??"

You really don't need to know much about me, because if you are reading this, you are probably one of my 5 friends who are just curious to see if I ever have any serious thoughts about anything. Then again, I have a feeling several of my friends haven't a clue what I'm about, and that's ok. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it...people like me.

And now that I've said I won't talk about myself, here's my data. Because writers are all just navel-gazers at heart, and I am no exception. I am a 50-something year old woman married to an equally aged man; I have four grown children who hate talking to  me on the phone because I am always shouting "What? I can't understand you! Are you calling from a bus station or something?" I am  failed cowgirl (couldn't get a job punching cows), so I pretend a lot by wearing riding boots and posting photos of myself with various horses. I love reading books, but I rarely have enough time. And this blog will just be another distraction from the work I'm supposed to be doing.

What to expect if you come to this space on the World-Wide-Web-Internet Cloud...(my daughter tells me I have to "tell what I hope to accomplish." Right.)...I am resigned to the fact that no one ever takes my advice on anything, so you won't find much advice here. Unless I'm irked about something, and then you'd better SHAPE UP, SEE! The best thing I can say about my child-raising skills is that not one of my four were potty trained before the age of 3. Please look elsewhere for sage wisdom on that score.

This will be a place where I will take all the random thoughts that go through my brain as I work with books all day, line them up verrrry carefully (the thoughts, not the books; they will be piled all over my house as usual), and then publish them and hope they will bring about world peace. This is, of course, only going to happen if you, ALL of you, link to my blog and make sure all the various Senators and Representatives and School Board Superintendents and Important  Public Officials are aware of the greatness published herein. And then I need a book deal. Thanks very much.

P.S. I have absolutely no (informed) political thoughts. That may dampen the enthusiasm of some, but it also may get me a TV show if I play it right.


wham said...

I laughed. I cried. I ran the whole gamut of emotions! I LOVE your randomness. I will read your blog. You can write just to me if you want. AND, let me know if you ever want a guest writer to discuss YOU. Way to go, Carla :-)

Anonymous said...

You have such an unpurposeful way of being purposeful. Funny, but I have the same template on my 9th grade English blog. I get readers by offering a grade for comments. You could offer cookies? Or you could comment on my class blog and really blow their parochial minds.