Thursday, July 17, 2014

25 Questions to Ask Your Mate on Date Night

My husband and I just celebrated (so, maybe more like "observed") our 33rd wedding anniversary recently. Yay! Congratulations to us!! Where have the years gone?

It got me thinking...there are a lot of semi-silly ideas out there floating around about how to keep your marriage either "hot," or "interesting," or "livable." One maybe not-so-silly proposal is the "date-night" tradition.  I have several young couple friends that like to tell me about how they take one night a week to "date," and I always nod my head agreeably while inwardly smirking at the sweet idealism...alright, if you are a young friend of mine, I NEVER INWARDLY SMIRK AT YOU...I'm just using poetic licence here, OK?

Because of all these young, romantic friends I am lucky enough to receive Facebook links that clue me in to "questions to ask your mate that start a great conversation!!!" Deep things like, "What was your biggest fear as a child?" "What's your favorite tree, and why?" and "If you could change one thing about your feet, what would it be?"

I am very sorry, but after 33 years you'd better come up with something better for me to ask than that. I have been with this man FAR TOO LONG to even CARE about his preference for oaks over pines.

So, for your consideration, here are---

25 questions to ask your mate on a date night (after you've been married for 30 years or more)

1.      What exactly was it that made you want to marry me again?
2.       How many of your socks do you think I've picked up off the bedroom floor in the last 30/35/40/years?
3.       What were you saying as you were drifting off to sleep last night...something about "mayonnaise" and "sheep dip?"
4.       By the way, your Aunt Agnes called again about the family reunion. Yeah, I know that’s not a question.
5.      What's the password for our Netflix account? 
6.       How old is our oldest child? Ok then, quick—what’s his birthday (WITH the year!)?
7.       What is that guy’s name on that show we watch on Tuesdays…you know…the one who was in that   movie we liked…you know…c’mon, help me out here….
8.       Where are my car keys?
9.       Have you seen the cat lately?
10.   Wow—has your hairline changed just recently, or are you just doing a comb-over now?
11.   What is your favorite meal that I cook? (you can choose between hamburgers and hot dogs.)
12.   Could you please start the grill?
13.   Why can’t I ever get my Facebook configuration figured out before they go changing it again?
14.   Do you remember the night we fell in love? No, not that one, the OTHER one!
15.   Could you see if my big toe looks infected?
16.   What kind of things do I do that bug you?
17.   You want to know what you do that bugs me? OK….forget it then.
18.   If we were stranded on a desert island and we could only bring along one living room chair, which one would you pick?
19.   Would you let me sit in it once in a while, or would you hog it most of the time and call it your “command chair?”
20.   Would you like a cup of  coffee?  No?  So, not grown up enough yet, huh? Hahaha…I  know how that annoys you…
21.   So, do you think I love you more than you love me?
22.   Or do you love me more than I love you?
23.   Does it matter?
24.   Why are you furrowing your brow at me?
25.   Are you hoping that this lasts for another 33 years? I sure am!  It’s a riot!