Why do you run? Are you running from something? If there's a wolf chasing you, then run. Otherwise...stand still and appreciate the fact you aren't a rabbit.
What's with this "lifting weights" thing? Don't you have any hay bales to move around from the truck to the hayloft? How about putting those pecs into use with a wheelbarrow and a load of fresh cow manure? What a waste.
And don't get me started on Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Jazzercise, Tai Chi, Kickboxing, Interval Training, Aerobics, Stepping, Spinning, Bouncing, Gliding, Falling off Parallel Bars or Sweating in front of a Gym Mirror. What in the WORLD have you accomplished by all this foolishness? Is your house any cleaner, your garden any more productive, or your pasture less poopy? No!
In this most helpful post, gentle readers, I will suggest new work-out ideas for those of us who can't stand to think of all that time and muscle wasted on unproductive activity.
Top Ten Workouts for People Who Hate to Exercise (And Don't Live on a Farm):
10. Walking to the Mailbox. (Best done if you have a mile-long driveway. Just install it a few blocks away, if necessary.)
9. Running after a City Bus (Be sure to wave your arms vigorously to engage those deltoids.)
8. Looking for your Toddler Under Clothing Racks in the Mall (Deep knee bends, arm stretches, vocalizing exercises.)
7. Scrubbing your Kitchen Floor on Your Hands and Knees (Protective knee pads required; also a helmet may be useful to prevent injury from forgetful moments around open cupboard doors.)
6. Chasing a Bat Around Your Living Room (Although rare, a great opportunity for aerobics and ducking.)
5. Falling Down the Stairs While Holding a Laundry Basket (Balance, footwork, First Aid practice.)
4. Picking Up Doggy Doo in the Yard (Lots of stretching; facial exercise while grimacing.)
3. Taking that Same Dog for a Walk (You know, that dog of yours that never has learned the idea of "heel?" Really watch your heart rate here.)
2. Pushing a Disabled Car off the Road (Out of gas? You get extra points for walking to a gas station along a freeway.)
I currently am in the beginning stages of a workout regime consisting of standing up and walking to the basement every 30 minutes or so. This, of course, is to get something--NOT just to stand up and walk! I get lots of chances to practice this move, since half the time I've forgotten why I came down to the basement in the first place. There are advantages to aging, occasionally.
1 comment:
In these days of gas rationing and high prices, you can save money by driving only part way to where you want to go. Parking a mile away from the store will eventually save enough gas money to fill your tank one extra time in a year. Plus you get the added benefit of having to walk the rest of the way, and all the way back to your car. See? double duty activity--healthful and useful.
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